Body, Mind & Spirit

What the mind dwells upon, the body acts upon. -Denis Waitley

Frequently Asked Questions About Coaching

My name is Barbara. I’m a Certified ACE Group Fitness Instructor, Certified ACE Health Coach, and Certified ACE Weight Loss Behavior Coach.

But what does that mean? Well, here are a handful of questions people frequently ask about my coaching. I hope they help!

What can a coach actually do for me?

As a life, health, and weight loss coach, it’s my job to help you learn how to focus on YOU. It is very easy to give in to family/social/career demands and therefore give up our needs for others. Most of the time, you don’t even realize you’re doing it! As a coach, I see you and your life from an outside perspective and can help you pinpoint areas of change to help yourself become healthier and happier in your life.

Is coaching just another word for counseling?

No, coaching is not just another word for counseling. Professional counseling focuses on understanding past events and traumas and teaching the client skills to accommodate any need. It is usually a long-term relationship shared jointly with other doctors or health practitioners.

Coaching focuses on where you are right now in your life and moving forward with a specific goal or set of goals. It is usually a short-term relationship that can also be shared jointly with other doctors and health practitioners if necessary.

Is coaching really worth my time and money?

If you’ve never considered a coach before, then you may not know or understand the value of one! If you ever have considered or actually have had a coach then you will know for sure the value that comes from having an outside perspective! A lot of times, there are things in our life we want and desire but are afraid to discuss it with our spouses, family members, or closest friends. A coach is an unbiased ear, an understanding heart, and has an unstoppable commitment to helping you succeed wherever and however you want to! A coach is GOLD!


Does this fact sheet answer your questions? If not, please reach out! I’d love to hear from you and chat about your concerns.