Fitness Classes in Harbor Beach

Huron Fitness & Health Studio is proud to offer movement-based classes designed for every individual - whether you feel young or old at heart, are just starting an exercise program for the first time, or are a seasoned yogi. Please check the schedule for the current list of classes.

Barbara is a Certified ACE Group Fitness Instructor, Certified ACE Weight Loss Behavior Coach, and Certified ACE Health Coach

Drop-in rate for single class: $12 per class

Pre-pay entire month up front: $10 per class

DANCE Cardio

*not available at this time

A fast-paced, on your feet, dance till you sweat type of workout with contemporary music. Wear comfortable clothes, athletic shoes, and don’t forget your water bottle!

Yoga Flow

For people that feel good about their ability to do yoga and are looking for a great sweaty yoga workout.

Faster paced, constant flow yoga. Focuses on holding classic postures, balance, and proper alignment in the body with intentional breathing techniques to build power and endurance. Soft lights, thoughtful music, essential oils. Short relaxation and meditation.

A slower paced class that focuses mostly on stretching and holding poses for minutes at a time. No need to be an experienced yogi—anyone can (and should!) practice yin yoga. Evenings are a great time, because this practice helps prepare the body for rest and recovery.

Yin Yoga

Similar to Yoga Flow—focuses on classic poses, balance, and proper alignment, but done at a much slower pace. Suitable for beginners, and/or anyone recovering from an illness or injury.

Slow Yoga

Cash, checks, and credit cards are accepted. Thank you!